Spider Veins, Facial Telangiectasia and Cherry Hemangiomas
Vascular lesions are easily treated with the Cynosure Elite MPX Laser. With veins, hemogloben is the targeted chromophore. Cynosure’s wavelength blending, which fires one wavelength and then the other, in sequence, has also proven useful for veins.
Spider veins are usually very superficial. Blue veins, on the other hand, behind the knees are deeper. The flexibility of the Elite MPX Laser makes it easy to treat superficial vessels with a smaller spot size (3-5mm) while larger, deeper vessels are treated with the larger spot size (7mm).

Facial veins (telangiectasia) around the nose area clear very quickly and one can achieve 80-90% reduction in one session. Cherry hemangiomas can also clear quickly.

Results are simply amazing! It’s a whole new you. These before and afters are actual clients.